February ’22 Construction Update: Shevlin West
We broke ground on our new Shevlin West neighborhood projects in early December with excavation of lot 40,43, and 41. The sun was shining, the temperatures were 60 degrees F, and it felt like a September. During late December Mt Bachelor proceeds to get 11 feet of snow and in town we get around 18 inches and the snow shut our production down for a week or so. Digging snow out of the projects isn’t fun, just time consuming. The sun came back out again and we have been working hard to take advantage of each and every day. Lot 43 is moving along, has passed underfloor, the subfloor is decked and we are putting up walls in the next 3 days. On lot 40 walls and roof are up and on and we working to get our Shear wall inspection done today. We have all our utilities in the ground and passed on all three projects and now working on getting the underfloor inspection on lot 41 passed and completed which will lead us to deck the underfloor, and keep snow from entering the rest of the winter. Warm temperatures are approaching this weekend and we will go through drying out the sites again. Building in the winter can be challenging but thanks to a dedicated team, and the right equipment, Malace homes has been charging along.